How to remove a user from an account
To remove a user from your account, you need to be an account manager.  Follow the below instruction to remove a user: 1. Log at https://cloud.blackbird.v...
Fri, 18 Jan, 2019 at 4:12 PM
How to add users to an account from the Blackbird Cloud
To add a Blackbird user onto your account, you need to be an account manager.  Follow the below steps in order to add a new user: 1. Log into Blackb...
Fri, 18 Jan, 2019 at 4:21 PM
Blackbird Ascent/Forte is running slow
If you're Blackbird instance is running slowly, there are a few things we can try, the first thing to do it to restart your computer to make sure that B...
Fri, 18 Jan, 2019 at 4:28 PM
Importing an AAF into Blackbird
Start by logging into Blackbird.  Press the upload icon which is indicated by the arrow pointing to the cloud.  This will bring you to a webpage whe...
Mon, 21 Jan, 2019 at 3:40 PM
Exporting AAF's from Blackbird for AVID
Firstly, within Blackbird: 1. Save your sequence. 2. Drag the saved sequence into the AAF 'blue' publish button. 3. Wait until the sequence s...
Mon, 21 Jan, 2019 at 3:48 PM
Changing the metadata on Media using a Blackbird ingest server
We will be using Disk Labels as an example, but any piece of metadata can be changed or added using these instructions. 1. The first step is to go to you...
Tue, 22 Jan, 2019 at 2:54 PM
How to enable remote support
Please see the screenshot below which will show you were to navigate to enable remote support:  You should see a command line tool with a 4 digit ...
Tue, 18 Feb, 2020 at 11:21 AM
How do I match frame to a source item?
                                                 To match a frame in your sequence to its source in the Play Window, navigate to the frame in the Record Win...
Thu, 2 Jan, 2020 at 3:09 PM
How do I add a video or audio crossfade transition?
Blackbird Supports multiple transition types between clips on a sequence. This guide will focus on video and/or audio crossfades using mouse operation. Keyb...
Tue, 28 Apr, 2020 at 1:37 PM
How do I fade a clip to or from black or a color?
Blackbird Supports multiple video fades at the start or end of a clip. This guide will focus on video fade to or from either black or a color. Note that acc...
Thu, 3 Aug, 2023 at 2:00 PM